There are 4 different categories in which stats fall under, each one is there to help show in numbers your characters ability. Stats do increase odds in some peoples favor during battles.
The categories/classes are:
- Reiatsu: is the physical force/pressure that a person’s Reiryoku creates when released. Most Shinigami and Arrancar, even Quincy and Bounts can manipulate the release of their reiatsu.
- Wisdom: This tells the intelligence of the person's mind, developing the mind is just as important to showing your person will be battle smart.
- Defense: This tells a person's ability to defend someones Reiatsu and Kidou, If the person reaches 100 then the defense can only be broken by a Kidou or Reiatsu of 100 stats.
- Kidou: is a form of Shinigami combat that is based on advanced spells that are produced with strong Reiryoku and fall into two categories: Hadō for direct attacks, and Bakudō for battle support.
Training Stats
Training stats is very easy on this site and well helps to become the ultimate being.
- Solo Training: This Requires 100 Words To Equal 1 Stat Point
- Spar Training: This Requires 200 Words To Equal 1 Stat Point